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Need an Illusion module In wordpress donation Website
I hope all of you are fine.
I am making a donation website in WordPress.
There will be a charity account creation that has 4 different amounts in cents. Users will create their account and donate to that charity. It will be recurring based....
I need help making JavaScript remember user input
I used HTML and JavaScript to allow a user to enter text and then push submit. When the user pushes submit, his text is displayed on the page. The problem is that when the page is reloaded, the text goes away. Obviously. Here is the code I have:
How to Add Custom Product Attributes on Cart Page in Woo-commerce?
Hello Everyone,
As i am trying to display custom attributes into cart page by using the below code, but i am getting the output as "Array" in the cart page. Kindly help me out with this issue.
$product = w...
How to Create Server for Multi-user Quiz using HTML, CSS, & JavaScript?
I am designing one quiz for my team members using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript but don't know how to make it available to multiple users at the same time. I want to build a real-time quiz as we have in any online entrance exam.
I kn...
How to Render Bound Django Form Which Has Arbitrary Text & HTML Injected, as HTML-Safe in the Template?
I am trying to return a bound form that has been modified and has some arbitrary text and HTML inserted into it. I have done some research and have been able to successfully insert some arbitrary text into a bound form but I haven't found any...
How To Change Multiple Image On Hover Div And Show Image Dynamically
Jquery for change multiple image on hover div and show image dynamically.
How to Create a Simple Admin Page in HTML?
At first i'm a beginner and i have a simple project to do.
I'm trying to build a simple admin page that add some content to my website
This is not a big deal, but i need someone who can instruct my directly ...
How to Reconcile Between Protege and Gurobi
I am having a problem with protege4.3, I choose to solve the programme protege 4.3 aout (stop), I did not know how to reconcile between protege and gurobi
My Quiz Application in PHP for WordPress Site Doesn't Return Any Results?
I am working in a program which is a quiz written in php for wordpress site. However it doesn't return any results after submit button is pressed, it goes to home page of website.
Can you help me execute it correctly?
How to Get the API Calling in AngularJS Application?
Assume that there are 3 APIs. Each API does exactly the same task(to give you weather details) but has different endpoints as follows:
API 1: Can only be used for India. Has methods named requestWeather(), requestWeatherDataForWeek()
How can I Control the Cache for a Subpage?
I am starting on web-security and I have to control the cache on the portal, this portal has many urls. I understand that I need to set the header with this:
How to Pass a Checked Box Value to URL Without Submit in PHP JS App?
I have a page which is for product filtration I wanted to get checkbox value to the URL so i can make the box check using the URL which helps me to make a link for the particular product . The page does not have any submit button.
I ...
Where & on Which Line Banned Word Filter Code On Mini Proxy to be Put in PHP?
Where on Mini Proxy, on which line, would I add the banned words filter code (the code which you see below) so that, when banned words are found on the proxied pages, then the banned words are substituted ?
Mini Proxy is here:
How do I implement my ideas for an interactive CD ROM-inspired business website? Help!
Hello 'nerds'!
I have been recently inspired to create a website for my music project (a place where you can look at news, concerts, buy things etc.), but it is not a simple layout and there are many elements of it that I don...
What WordPress Plugins are Needed for Classifieds Website Development?
I am Searching for wordPress plugins for my new Classifieds Websites, suggest me the best things
I can't click buttons in firefox when I edit the body of a page while it's possible in chrome any way to fix this?
when I use firefox developer tools to edit the body of a webpage the page buttons either disappear or stops functioning like in this example. this does not happen in chrome and all the buttons work fine as they suppose to how can I do that i...
Will Button CTA Logic on Specific Condition Doable in WP?
Hi FindNerders,
I suspect this is possible in WP, but would love to have someone confirm it's doable.
I have 2 fields and 1 button:
1. Zipcode
2. Service Type (e.g. cleaning, office cleaning)
3. Get a quote
chained dropdown from database
i have this registration page,but i wanna display a chained dropdowned like is they select the area i wanna display user names of the people
how can i do that?